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How to use and read a digital depth gauges

Intructions on how to read

Step 1 - Place the depth gauge in your hands and locate each part. The main section is the ruler, which is how you'll be getting your measurement. Then there is a sliding panel that goes around the ruler, which has a wide platform that angles downwards into a flat section. When the panel is slid to the bottom of the ruler, the flat section of the platform is perfectly level with the end of the ruler. You determine your measurement by getting the distance between the platform and the end of the ruler.

Step 2 - Place the flat surface of the platform on the edge of the socket so the ruler is pointing straight up in the air. Make sure the flat surface of the platform is straight on the edge of the socket.

Step 3 - Push down on the ruler, sliding the ruler through the platform and towards the bottom of the socket.

Step 4 - Pick the depth gauge out of the socket, making sure not to move the platform, and look on the ruler. There are measurement marks on the ruler with hash marks. Find the hash mark that perfectly aligns with the flat section of the platform. That is the depth of the socket, and the measurement you would use for whatever task you need.

Introductions on how to use

Step 1 - Zero out the depth gauge by sliding the large, flat end of the tool down toward the end of the ruler, forming a "T" shape by making the flat end level with the end of the ruler. The sliding part has a flat edge on it to be used as a reference point. As the ruler gets moved down, the distance between the end of the flat edge and the end of the ruler is the depth of your part.

Step 2 - Place the flat edge on the top of the cup so that it touches both sides of the cup. The sliding part of the ruler should be level with the flat edge on the tool, and therefore, the top of the cup.

Step 3 - Push down the ruler so that it touches the bottom of the cup. The flat edge shouldn't move.

Step 4 - Pull out the depth gauge by holding the ruler and making sure the flat edge doesn't move.

Step 5 - Locate the mark on the ruler aligned with the edge of the flat edge of the tool. The ruler is marked like any other ruler, so the number you find on the ruler that lines up with the flat edge is the depth of the cup.

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