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China Need Seize Big Measuring Tools Market

Measuring Tools is a Big Potential Market. China Need Seize the Opportunity
Measurement technology is the foundation and key of information-based fabrication technique, digital measuring technology has become an essential key component in digital manufacturing technology. Moreover, digital gauge, digital measuring instruments and meters have had a rapid development in recent years. In the digital displacement sensing technology and products, the dominate products are grating, inductosyn, capacitive grating, magneto scale and ball bar and so on. Capacitive digital gauge has large output and be widely used. Various types of digital calipers, digital dial indicators, digital clock gauge, digital micrometers, as well as outside and inside digital gauge etc., the function of them are different during use.

Thus, in the rapid development of computer information technology and automated digital measurement technology, in various manufacturing industries, especially traditional mechanical manufacturing industry, digital measuring tools with strong momentum to replace mechanical and pneumatic measuring tools, and play dominant position during production field use.

Huge Gap in the Market
Based on the analysis of international market demand, the international market demand for electronic digital gauge and measuring tools will be growth at more than 30% rate in the next few years; the global requirement for digital measuring tools will reach 20 million units at 2010, and the proportion of products with high technical content and best performance ratio is growing.

However, in the matter of output, the production capacity of global digital measuring tools is 300 million units, only accounting about 10% of the total measuring tools. In 2005, the global production of digital measuring tools is 700 million. In recent years, according to trends of the digital measuring tools and funds expenditure plan of several large manufacturers, global production will be growth at more than 25% per year in the next 5 to 10 year, but ever so, the production capacity of measuring tools will be only about 11.5 million units by 2010, the global gap remains high in the market.

China Need Seize the Opportunity
According to production of measuring tools, the main producing countries and regions of electronic digital measuring tools and instruments in the world are: Germany, Britain, Switzerland, France, the United States, Japan and China etc., the production of digital measuring tools and instrument in these countries accounts more than 95% of the world market.

In addition, the China digital measuring tools started in the 1980s, but in 20 years time, China has rapidly developed into a world's second production base of measuring tools. China annual production was 2.2 million units in 2005, about 30% of total production in the world, of which the output of raster type accounts for about 30% and capacitive type about 20% of the world market. With the growing rate of digital measuring tools in the international market, China's exports of digital measuring tools are high-growth, from 25 million units in 2000 up to 110 million units in 2004, the predication of the digital measuring tools exports volume will reach 4 million units in 2010; on the contrary, the export volume of mechanical measuring reduced year by year, China's machinery exports from 825 million units in 2000 fell to 335 million units in 2004.

However, the level of China's digital measuring tools still lag behind the advanced world, thus, measuring tools industry in China need to act as soon as possible, seize the good opportunities of the industry restructuring, then, domestic and international market will be driven by the huge market demand around 2010, China is expected to become a major powers of production and sales in world's electronic digital measuring tools.

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